Acupuncture originated in China, where textual references go back over 2000 years, and is now a well-known approach to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing. Not all treatments involve the use of inserted needles but for those that do there's more information below.
By inserting fine needles in specific acupuncture points, the treatment moves Qi (vital energy) around, supplementing areas of deficiency, reducing areas of excess and clearing blockages. Sometimes acupuncture needles will be used together with cupping or moxibustion as a combined therapy.
During your treatment, very fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body for up to 20 minutes before the needles are removed. You may feel a dull ache or tingling sensation as your acupuncturist adjusts the needle. Many people report feeling deeply relaxed during their treatment.
In addition to needling, your acupuncturist may recommend moxibustion or cupping as supportive therapies which will be integrated into the appointment, time permitting.
Our treatments target main symptoms, and support the whole person physically and emotionally.

"I have been having acupuncture treatment on my left foot since I have had a lot of pain for many years due to a fall. Since the first therapy I have noticed the difference, the pain has improved a lot and I am able to walk better. Paul is very professional, caring and finds the best way with a treatment to help you. I highly recommend Paul." Ana
History, philosophy and current thinking
In East Asian Medicine, disease results from disruption or deficiency of personal Qi. It is impossible to translate Qi from Chinese to English adequately. Qi may be described as the vital element that allows us to be and to act. There is a network deficiency, excess or blockage anywhere in the meridians or organs. Acupuncture treatments are prescribed to bring your body’s vital energy, Qi, into balance as it flows through your body via meridians or channels.
Our practice has a classical foundation in East Asian medicine derived from the HDNJSW and related texts. It includes the rare Stems and Branches chronotherapeutic approach to individualising treatments. We use this classical knowledge when applying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Five Elements or Meridian-style approaches to diagnosis and treatment. We combine classical theory with the latest evidence-based research to provide patients with accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. We also utilise Auricular (ear) and Japanese acupuncture (Toyohari) approaches.
When constructing our treatment plans, we bear in mind the Chinese medical maxim: “Different diseases, same treatment (yi bing tong zhi), same disease, different treatment (tong bing yi zhi)”. (1, 2). The phrase reminds us that no two conditions or people are the same and that treatments must reflect the person and disease before us.
Each session is tailored specifically to you and your needs when you visit. In practical terms, treatments are individualised by addressing the originating Root (ben 本 ) cause of disharmony as well as the secondary or Branch (biao æ ‡ ) symptom(s). This understanding will inform your treatment plan, which we may adapt each time you visit us to improve your condition.
The modern-day NHS in the UK uses acupuncture in several settings. NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) has recommended acupuncture for non-specific lower back pain and as one of the alternatives to prescription drugs to address chronic primary pain. You can find more information, including fact sheets, for conditions treated by acupuncture from The British Acupuncture Council.
Ref: 1, 2 Flaws and Sionneau (2005: p2) based on 2 Su Wen 46 and 70 (Unschuld et al, 2011)
Paul's body healing skills are very good. He helped me do cupping and acupuncture. After three treatments, my back pain has been greatly reduced and I can sleep better. Finally, I can have the confidence to do sports again. Thank you Paul.
Thank you Paul. Your Acupuncture treatment was enjoyable and left me feeling harmonised and balanced.. The chest infection I felt building up before the last session completely disappeared, as did other symptoms.
Paul has helped to turn around several health issues in a very short period of time. Paul has an excellent understanding of the therapies he uses in treating mental and physical issues. I am very grateful for the true professional that Paul Holden is