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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

If you can't find the answer to your question please contact me and I'll be happy to help, or check out our reviews to see what our clients say.

How does Classical East Asian medicine differ to Western medicine?

East Asian Medicine is rooted in Chinese philosophy from the period of the Han dynasty and prior. We still use treatments recorded in the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine (Huangdi Neijing), written down over 2000 years ago, because they work.


Each person is seen as a microcosm of the world. The highest practice of this medicine is to work in harmony with your nature, maintaining the nourishment and irrigation for you to flourish. 


Qi, a vital spark, flowing through the body provides the sustenance, irrigates and informs of all our life’s expression through a framework of 12 channels in the body. Classical acupuncturists tap into this framework using needles to rebalance rhythms of Qi, normalise its movement and clear pathways in patients. By harmonising Qi -flows in these channels by acupuncture treats pain, redresses illness and promotes health and wellbeing.


Western medical acupuncture is a more recent form of treatment for specific physical ailments, often muscular disorders. It is often used alongside physiotherapy or osteopathy and works by stimulating the nervous system, creating an active response and alteration of nerve activity. It was developed in the 20th century and follows Western anatomical, physiological and medical concepts rather than the more holistic Classical East Asian model.


You may be surprised to know that not all acupuncture treatments involve needles!

What can be treated

Acupuncture and energy healing therapies can treat a huge variety of physical, emotional and gender specific conditions such as fertility and menopause.


Some of the most common aches and pains treated are back, shoulder, hip, foot and hand, whether recent or longstanding, plus sciatica, migraine, sinusitis and arthritis.  Other common physical conditions are those connected to digestion such as IBS, diarrhoea, constipation and Crohn’s, as well as respiratory, neurological and immune system disorders.


Emotional conditions we treat include anxiety, depression, stress and lack of energy.

Are there any side effects?

Acupuncture provided by qualified practitioners rarely has any adverse side effects. Possible mild side-effects include small bruises, drops of blood or feeling dizzy, tired or nauseous which pass quickly after a treatment.


You can help avoid unwanted side effects by ensuring you've recently eaten before a treatment and telling us of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you use when we take your medical history. Let us know if you start feeling hot or thirsty while you are with us.

What is energy healing?

Energy healing is an approach to optimising health focused on improving the flow of Vital Energy within us. Disruptions to energy flows can result in psychological, emotional and physical disharmony and illness. Utilising compassion and sensitivity, I will enable positive change in your vital energy flow, leading to improved well-being. I am experienced at practising and teaching several energy healing approaches and a recognised representative of a renowned Qigong lineage.

How to choose an acupuncturist?

Your acupuncturist should be fully qualified, licensed and insured. Paul’s BSc (Hons) Acupuncture and Licentiate in Acupuncture, from the renowned International College of Oriental Medicine, is in the top tier of qualifications and professional accreditation.  Equally as important is choosing someone you feel comfortable with, and can chat to about any questions or concerns you have. We are approachable and open allowing customers to feel confident of and in our care.  Paul also holds full enhanced disclosure (DBS) for working with children and vulnerable adults.


We welcome you to book a free 15-minute consultation to experience our approach for yourself.

How many appointments will I need?

Initial appointments last between 60 and 90 minutes, and follow-up treatments 45 to 60 minutes. The first meeting is longer so we can record your case history, explore your general health and assess what you would like us to treat. If you would prefer, we can arrange a 30-minute remote session for the background and case notes to be followed later on by a 60 minute treatment at the clinic. A special aspect of our approach is the birth chart we prepare, based on ancient Chinese chrono-therapeutics, to help assess your constitution. All full appointments include a complete treatment.

Will there be any other advice?

Aftercare and self-care are part of the Standing Tree Clinic’s ethos. We may offer bespoke health and well-being advice at the end of your appointment. Our suggestions may range from dietary and lifestyle adjustments to specific exercises and practices such as tai chi, qigong and meditation.

How long is a treatment?

The number of treatments needed will depend on specific treatment factors, general health and constitutional influences. Acute (recent) issues may tend to respond more quickly to treatment than chronic (long-term) conditions of the same type and severity, for example. General influences on therapeutic response may be age, general health, and constitution. We’ll consider how best to formulate therapy for you, and provide recommendations for health and lifestyle changes to support the clinical advice. Generally, early treatment and following advice will reduce the number of treatments you need. A course of either weekly or bi-weekly appointments is a place to start, reducing visits as you get better.

About appointments

The Clinic has a comfortable reception and waiting area with a place to store your coat and bag during your treatment. Anyone accompanying you is welcome to stay during your appointment. For ease we recommend loose clothing that can be rolled up, and freshly laundered towels are always available for modesty.


If you have mobility problems someone can stop to drop you off right outside the door, there is one low step into the clinic.  Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult and all our clients are welcome to bring a companion.


If you would like a treatment outside the advertised hours, get in touch and we can arrange a time to suit you.

Does it hurt?

Not usually. We use very fine needles inserted into specifically selected acupuncture points on your body. You might feel a dull ache or tingling when the needle is inserted or manipulated. Sensations you feel may indicate Qi is active, and your treatment is progressing. Your acupuncturist will check-in with you regularly to make sure you are comfortable. Many people report feeling deeply relaxed during treatment. It's not uncommon for someone to fall asleep in treatment!

Safety and hygiene?

We want you to be safe and comfortable while you are with us. We keep our standards of hygiene and safety high within clinic and treatment room spaces and throughout the therapeutic experience. Needles are all single-use and immediately disposed of in a sharps box. Additionally, your therapist is a qualified first aider. Let us know if you have any concerns at any time, and we will do our utmost to address them.

Anything else that's good to know?

Our practice includes the rare Stems and Branches  approach to individualising treatments. We use this classical knowledge when applying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Five Elements or Meridian-style approaches to diagnosis and treatment.  We  combine classical theory with the latest evidence-based research to provide patients with accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.  

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